Join us June 13-14, 2025 for the TSOP Annual Meeting.
TSOP will be holding its first ever annul meeting at ETSU!
Join us in Johnson City!
Details and registration information will be available shortly.
Exciting news: East Tennessee State University will launch the state's first O&P program in January!
Details and registration information will be available shortly.
Exciting news: East Tennessee State University will launch the state's first O&P program in January!

Click here to learn more about the master’s level program. We know that Tennessee faces a critical shortage of skilled practitioners, which directly impacts the quality of care we can provide to our patients. By contributing to the TSOP Orthotics and Prosthetics Scholarship at ETSU, you will help ensure that more dedicated and talented individuals can pursue this vital career. Your donation will not only support the education of future practitioners but also improve patient outcomes. Together, we can make a significant difference. Please consider donating any size gift today. Gifts are tax deductible, and can be made by scanning the QR code.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTSThe TSOP Board is now accepting abstracts for the 2025 Annual Meeting.
In order to be considered for participation, abstract submissions must include Speaker Bio. In addition, please indicate Time Requested (not guaranteed) and whether this is a General Session submission or a Workshop submission. We have one-two hour workshop presentations and 30-45 minute General Session presentations. Thank you. |
Orthotist, Prosthetist, Pedorthists
Each licensed orthotist, prosthetist and pedorthist must annually complete fifteen (15) hours of continuing education in courses applicable to his/her profession. At least six (6) hours of the continuing education each year must be obtained by each licensee from providers in the State of Tennessee.
No more than five (5) hours of the annual requirement shall be completed by any of the means listed in Rule 1155-02-.12 (1) (d) The Internet, Closed circuit television, Satellite broadcast, correspondence courses, Videotapes, CD-ROM, DVD, Teleconferencing, Videoconferencing or Distance Learning.
No more than five (5) hours of the annual requirement shall be completed by any of the means listed in Rule 1155-02-.12 (1) (d) The Internet, Closed circuit television, Satellite broadcast, correspondence courses, Videotapes, CD-ROM, DVD, Teleconferencing, Videoconferencing or Distance Learning.
Your 2024-2025 TSOP Board
Brett Parrish, CPO/L, President
Jessica Boe, CP/L, Vice President
Hannah Howington, CPO/L Treasurer
Elizabeth Shows, COA, Secretary
David Seaman, CP/L Past President
Brett Parrish, CPO/L, President
Jessica Boe, CP/L, Vice President
Hannah Howington, CPO/L Treasurer
Elizabeth Shows, COA, Secretary
David Seaman, CP/L Past President