Hello Tennessee SECM Advocates
Good news! Our TN legislation is now filed and has been assigned bill numbers (SB 2010 and HB 1992) We have raised $20,000 of the $60,000 needed for our TN SECM legislative effort! We need your help to secure the additional $40,000. This is such an important initiative with great progress happening all over the country. This legislation will greatly benefit the amputees in TN we have the privilege of serving as well as each of the O&P clinics in TN. The easiest way to give right now is to write a check to TSOP and in the memo write TN SECM. Mail the check to: Jessica Boe, TSOP Treasurer Hanger Clinic 6300 Baum Dr, Bldg A Knoxville, TN 37919 Also – remember - Save the Date! Our Lobbyist, Ryan Peebles, recently met with the TN Disability Coalition and their “Day on the Hill” is scheduled for February 28th at the Cordell Hull Building (The Offices of the TN General Assembly). Please mark your calendars to be part of this important day, and share it with other TN stakeholders. The TN Disability Coalition wants to support the TN SECM efforts. We will also send more details on this as the day approaches. Please feel free to pass this on to other TN O&P clinic owners, manufacturers, and any other stakeholders who may be interested in helping with the effort. In partnership and service, Joseph Huntsman CEO, Southern Orthocare |
AdvocacyWe want to make positive changes for the orthotic prosthetic community in Tennessee! Join us. ArchivesCategories |